

I am scheduled for surgery tommorrow at 10:10 and will be gone to a resort called Florida Hospital for about 5 days, Ha!

So, I am taking a break, but as soon as I get better, I will be back.




X. Dell said...

Heidi, you're in my prayers, and I wish you a speedy recovery and (finally) a relief from all the pain you've undergone recently.

..................... said...

hey, almighty heidi

the best of luck to you. my thoughts are with you. at least i know what you are going through. not like the last time when i didn't hear from you so long, i started to worry....

i wish i could give you a hug..

Lady Prism said...


I'm thinking of you...I'm praying for you...You will have that speedy recovery...I am thinking...thinking of you!!!!....Take care...relax...smile!!...

I will be here!!!

Lady Prism said...


Anonymous said...

Hope the surgery goes well.
I'll miss your posts..

Rainypete said...

Damn! I was hoping for drug induced delium blogs! Get well and we'll see you once you're well again (your back that is).

..................... said...


I've been thinking about you. Hope all is well.