
Today is my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woooooooooohooooooooooooooooo Happy Birthday to Me, happy birthday to me.

I was pretty happy about this, untill the fleeting thought went through my brain that in order for me to have exsistance on this earth, my parents first must have had sexual intercourse. Gross. Then after that my mother was to squeeze me out of the unmentionable parts of her body. GrossER.

More blogs later, but I must go out this evening so I can give you tales of the hungover Heidi at work tommorrow.


The Almighty Birthday Girl.


Happy and Blue 2 said...

Happy Birthday..

..................... said...

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youhuuu, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu....
ps: take lots of ibuprofen to work tommorow:)

AlmightyHeidi said...

Thanks Happy and Blue, my ever so faithful side kick, and Schaumi, the foaming moan gal:)

I was sooooooo....stupid, and I hurt bad this morning!!

..................... said...

ahh, you'll get over it...
i've been there..

Gary said...

Hope you're over your celebration. Happy belated birthday.