
Being Present

Well being as it is the new year... it is resolution time.

I have a freind who is dying.
Mother of four. Wife, daughter, sister, mother, advocate for rape and domestic viloence victims.

I don't get "god" sometimes.

She has grasped onto life and is going to make it into 2010 against the odds..

In one of her letters to me she said this:

I’ve thought about his a great deal: we often do not fully enjoy the people in our lives. I am talking about belly laughing, hugging, spontaneous “I love being with you” joy that others bring. You have really made a difference in my life joy. My life is better because you are here. Sitting down and really being interested in what makes a person tick.

Sue, you have helped make me a better person.

This year..the resolution..is to BE PRESENT.

I will listen..hug more..love more..and..I will belly laugh..as many times as I possibly can. I will allow joy in...

I will be present.

I love you Sue.

~Almighty Heidi

1 comment:

Nurse Practitioner Sue said...

I love you back.