The weather is slowly starting to change..from 95 to..oh ..85,but the evenings are not humid, the wind is blowing the leaves in my backyard making them dance.
Fall is absolutely my favorite!
It s warm hot chocolate, stew, pumpkin spice loaf comfort food season!
It does not get bitter cold here in Florida...
and we don't get the beautiful fall colors..
but we can turn the air down real low and pretend.
This fall is bringing my father to live with me after he lost his job, and we help him through foreclosure and bankruptcy and fighting the VA so he can get health care, because he was denied now he is uninsured.
I miss leaves crunching under my feet,
The yellows, reds and oranges...
Originally he was to move with my brother to Japan. Long story, but the airforce regulations are to strict.
I miss the smell of wood burning fires..and watching the flames flickering in the fireplace...
This fall brings pain to my daughter who has no health insurance. She has two herniations in her back, and we are stuck on the red tape government system of hell.
Somehow they (medicaid)came up with a figure of 3450.00 a month per month deductible that she would have pay before they covered any care. They base it on the household income..which mine is below 2k. It makes no sense.
I wonder..if I could even see the leaves turn colors..everything seems so grey.
So I'm taking her to a free clinic, that might be able to refer her out...To whom I don't know.. She just wants to finish school, and I see her trying not to get defeated.
Then the issues with my son.
I wonder if I could feel the warmth from the fire..or could I stick my hand in and feel nothing
There is a lot of weight on my shoulders. It keeps me up at night and gives me wicked sad dreams. All I can do is take it day by day..
pray for lotto..
and watch the leaves in my backyard dance.
~Almighty Heidi