We all have things we can blame our parents for, how we were raised, blah blah blah, but ultimatly as adults there has to be a turning point of not treating yourself in the same way, or doing the same to others.
My mom is very codependent.
I learned how to be codependant from her.
And now I say enough.
Enough making excuses
I remember swimming in a lake when I was small. My brother and I would have contests to see who could hold their breath the longest..I wanted to win so bad. I stayed under till i thought my lungs would burst. Finally after a long day of swimming we came out ....and I had this green seaweed algae all over me, it was so slimy and disgusting.
That is what codependancy is..a green oozing slime that wants to feed off you and stick on you, some form of symbiosis that is not natural and does not belong, and it sickens me...it honestly SICKENS me.
In the past year I have learned how to let people go..close people go..family go even...and I feel normal for once? I knew I had to let go of those who were making me spiritualy and mentally sick. Before I would have felt guilty or bad for hurting felings. Well..I did, but only for a moment, now I feel...like I can stop holding my breath, and it feels damn good. Moving forward..I feel..strong, happy, and a sense ahhhhhhh...I am free.
So I say to you..wipe of the algae...stop holding your breath....
Almighty Heidi